Past Exhibitors
2019 Exhibitors
The Exhibition attracts instrument builders, music conservatories, and other early music organizations from around the world to converge on Boston. Here are the exhibitors who already signed up to join us for the 2019 Festival & Exhibition.
Anne Acker Early Keyboards
Affourtit Historical Bows
American Recorder Society
Amherst Early Music
Aquila Corde Armonische SRL
Basilea Books
Francis Beaulieu
Louis Bégin – Archetier
Boaz Berney
Blue Heron
Boston Catlines
Boston Connection
Boulder Early Music Shop
Larry V. Bowers – Violinmaker
Cantux Research
Clemens Violins
François Danger
Karl M. Dennis – Violin Maker
Dipper Restorations
La Donna Musicale – RUBAROCCO
Early Music America
Early Music Shop of New England
Early Music Shop (UK)
edition baroque
Warren Ellison
Gabriela’s Baroque
H.F. Grabenstein, Bowmaker
Soren Green
Andrew Hallock
Harpsichord Clearing House
David Hawthorne – Bow Maker
Robert Hicks Harpsichords
Historical Keyboard Society of North America
Historical Music Wire
Hoffer Historical Bows
Flute Walker Musical Arts
Timothy Johnson – Luthier
Kochberg Graphics
Peter Kogan Timpani
Longy School of Music of Bard College
Douglas Maple Clavichords
Mollenhauer Recorders
Packard Humanities Institute
The Paris Workshop
Sarah W. Peck Violins
Perrin and Associates Fine Violins
Simon Polak Early Flutes
Prescott Recorders
Michael Schreiner, Lute and Early Guitar Maker
The Shawm Shop
Shingleton Viols
Stephen W. Sørli Harpsichords and Lautenwerk
Trouvere Music Works
Unprofitable Instruments
Katrien Vandermeersch – Atelier voor Vioolbouw
Floris Jan van der Voort
Viola da Gamba Society of America
Von Huene Workshop
Westfield Center for Historic Keyboard Studies
Allan Winkler
Yesterday Service
2017 Exhibitors
The Exhibition attracts instrument builders, music conservatories, and other early music organizations from around the world to converge on Boston. Here are the exhibitors who joined us for the 2017 Festival & Exhibition.
Affourtit Historical Bows
American Musical Instrument Society
American Recorder Society
Amherst Early Music
Aquila Corde Armoniche
Basiliea Books
Francis Beaulieu
Boaz Berney Historical Flutes
Blue Heron
The Boston Connection
Boston University School of Music
Boulder Early Music Shop
Larry V. Bowers Violins
Adriana Breukink Recorders
Cantux Research
Thomas Carroll Early Clarinets and Chalumeaux
Carved Strings
Cox Violins
François Danger
Karl Dennis Violins
Dipper Restorations
La Donna Musicale/Rumbarroco
Early Music America
Early Music Shop of New England
edition baroque
Warren Ellison Violins
Gabriela’s Baroque
Gamut Music
Glenn Giuttari Historical
Keyboard Instruments
Harry Grabenstein
Soren Green Clarinets
Andrew Hallock Cornetti
Harpsichord Clearing House
David Hawthorne
Hicks Harpsichords
Historical Music Wire
Eitan Hoffer
Claus Hüttel Historical Harps
The Instrument Workshop
Timothy Johnson
Henk Klop Baroque Keyboard Instruments
LaMotte Violins
Wayne Leopuld Editions
Longy School of Music
Michael Lynn –
Magnamusic Distributers
Mollenhauer Recorders
A. David Moore, Inc.
Musica Omnia, Inc.
Ralf Netsch Recorders
Charlie Ogle
The Paris Workshop
Sarah W. Peck Violins
Simon Polak Early Flutes
Prescott Recorders
Leslie Ross Bassoons
Michael Schreiner
Rudi Seitz – Composer
Škrabl Organs
Steven W. Sørli Harpsichords and Lautenwerk
Studio Habeas Corpus
Trouvere Music Works
Unicorn Music
Unprofitable Instruments
Katrien Vandermeersch Violins
Floris-Jan Van Der Voort Viols 7 Vielles
Viola da Gamba Society of America
Virtuosity Musical Instruments
Voices of Music
von Huene Workshop
Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Yesterday Service
Tom Zajac Scholarship Fund
Zuckermann Harpsichords International