2007 Festival

2007 Festival

Centerpiece Opera:


Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
Libretto by Thomas Corneille (1625-1709) | Learn more »

Festival Concerts:

The King’s Noyse

David Douglass, director
Le Jardin de Mélodies: Songs and dances of 16th century Paris

Philippe Pierlot, bass viol
Jan Willem Jansen, harpsichord

Les Festes Galantes: Marin Marais, C. P. E. Bach, and Louis Couperin

Ensemble Clément Janequin

Dominique Visse, director
Les Plaisirs du Palais: A palindromic banquet of Franco-Flemish music

Alexander Weimann, harpsichord

Feast of the Gods: Music of Mozart, Tubel, and Pachelbel

The Orlando Consort

The Rose, the Lily, and the Whortleberry: Medieval and Renaissance musical representations of gardens and horticulture

BEMF Orchestra and Chorus

Paul O’Dette and Stephen Stubbs, director
Feast of the Gods: Music of Rameau and Eccles

Carolyn Sampson, soprano
Elizabeth Kenny, lute

Ambrosia and Nectar: Women in Baroque England

Petra Müllejans, violin
Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano

Mozart à Due: Sonatas for violin and piano


Benjamin Bagby, director
The Rheingold Curse: A Germanic Saga of Greed and Reveng from the Medieval Icelandic Edda

Ensemble Clément Janequin

Dominique Visse, director
Le Chant des Oyseaulx: Renaissance birdsongs and songs of spring


Eric Hoeprich, director
Harmoniemusik: Works by Mozart, Duvernoy, Kreutzer, Weyse, and Beethoven

Le Poème Harmonique

Vincent Dumestre, director
Aux Marches du Palais: Traditional French romances and laments

Tragicomedia and Friends

Stephen Stubbs, director
Welcome to All the Pleasures: Music Purcell, Corbetta, Lully, Matteis, Locke, and Rossi

The Royal Wind Music

Paul Leenhouts, director
The Gods’ Flute Heaven: Consort music fromthe Spanish Netherlands after 16th- and 17th-century collections

North German Organ Mini-Festival

featuring William Porter and Jan Willem Jansen