Ways to Give
Whether you make a gift of cash or stock, or include BEMF in your estate planning, you may always direct your gift to a particular area that interests you, such as the Baroque Opera Recording Fund, the Young Artists Training Program, a Named Gift Opportunity, or the BEMF Annual Fund. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Fay by email at kathy@bemf.org or by calling 617-661-1812.
By making your tax-deductible contribution by check, you save BEMF the rising cost of credit card processing fees. Checks payable to Boston Early Music Festival (or “BEMF”) can be mailed to:
Boston Early Music Festival
Attn: Development Office
43 Thorndike Street, Suite 302
Cambridge, MA 02141-1764
If you wish to support a specific initiative, please indicate in writing how you would like your gift to be designated, either on your check’s memo line or in an accompanying letter.
Increase your philanthropic impact with a Matching Gift from your employer!
Increase your philanthropic impact with a Matching Gift from your employer!
You may be able to double or even triple the size of your gift through your employer’s matching gift program. Because each employer has different requirements, you will need to contact your company’s Human Resources Office for specific matching gift forms and information.
The Boston Early Music Festival has received matching gifts from the following companies, but this is by no means a complete list of companies offering this service:
21st Century Fox
Allegro MicroSystems
Amazon Smile
Analog Devices
Aspect Global
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Dell, Inc.
Exelon Foundation
Genentech, Inc.
Grantham, Mayo, van Otterloo & Co., LLC
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
Community Gifts Through Harvard University
The Hewlett-Packard Company
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
IBM Corporation
Intel Corporation
Investment Technology Group, Inc. (ITG)
Microsoft Corporation
MLE Foundation, Inc.
Natixis Global Asset Management
Pitney Bowes
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Tetra Tech
United Technologies Corporation
Verizon Foundation
Xerox Foundation
With a gift of appreciated stocks or bonds, you can support Boston Early Music Festival while enjoying significant tax advantages. When you electronically transfer appreciated stocks or bonds directly to BEMF’s account, you realize no gain on the sale, avoiding capital-gains tax. Typically, BEMF will sell the gifted security and put your donation to work right away, creating a win-win situation for everyone!
To make a donation of securities, have your broker transfer your security to BEMF’s account at Raymond James Financial. Your broker will need the following information to make the transfer:
NRWP/Raymond James
234 Littleton Road, 2G, Westford, MA 01886
Account Number: 31333563
DTC #: 0725
Contact: Philip D. Winn
Phone: 978-330-7901
Fax: 888-906-0091
Assistant: Cindy Geoffrion
Phone: 978-330-7903
Please also notify Kathleen Fay, Executive Director, at 617-661-1812, or by email at kathy@bemf.org, with the name of the security, number of shares, and the date of the transfer so that we can accurately account for and acknowledge your gift.
Note that charities like Boston Early Music Festival are unable to accept stock certificates or bonds directly. If your securities are in the form of stock certificates or are registered directly, please deliver them to your broker before contacting us.
All non-cash gifts are termed “gifts-in-kind.” The three main categories of gifts-in-kind are:
- Goods, such as office equipment or musical instruments
- Services, such as meeting space or printing services
- Expertise, such as legal or tax advice
Your gift may provide you with federal and state income tax benefits. Check with your tax advisor for deduction and capital gains tax requirements and limitations for your situation.
If you are considering such a gift, please contact Kathleen Fay by email at kathy@bemf.org or by calling 617-661-1812, to discuss how your gift might be of value to BEMF.
Corporate Sponsorships allow a for-profit company to give directly to charitable organizations. Corporate philanthropy is commonly regarded as a sound business practice that is in the best interest of shareholders and stakeholders alike.
A key component of a corporation’s broader social responsibility, corporate giving can include cash gifts, product donations, and employee volunteerism. It serves as a major link between the corporation and the communities it serves, and is often included as a part of a company’s mission.
If your company would like to discuss supporting the work of the Boston Early Music Festival through a corporate gift please contact Kathleen Fay by email at kathy@bemf.org or by calling 617-661-1812.